"You gotta get low to get high." (Steven)
"When you want to get to the other shore, you gotta lose sight of this one." (Steven)
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what a week! Finally my DVR didn't mess up and I could truly enjoy the show. What a start with Hollie.....so glad she not only nailed it, but the judges gave her props too!! It bugs me so much that they don't recognized her talent.....I even venture to say she's been better than Jessica....though Jessica did have a sick week this week! But, the last few weeks, she's been slacking and she absolutely belonged in the bottom 3 last week...don't get me wrong, she's really good, but she's not as good as the judges make her sound ever week....they never seem to recognize her bad weeks. But again, she does deserve credit for this week.....she too nailed it. Another one that nailed it this week was Philip....holy crap is he amazing.....JLo so wishes he was 15 years old....I don't blame her :) No matter what, this kid is the real deal....the passion he has on stage is that of only a star. Another star is Skylar....honestly, her voice isn't that good (though I like the scratchiness when it comes out), but still, she's a true performer in the sense that she also has the passion on the stage. I highly doubt she's going anywhere....here stardom gets her those country/western and that's all she needs.....though her fun attitude surely gets her even more votes.....like I said, she should be good to go for a while. Josh has been interesting.....I can't read this guy. The more intense he gets, the quieter he gets. He definitely lets his heart out on the stage when he's singing, but he needs to give me a little more when he's not singing.....I'll take a few more random comments like the one he made to JLo....he says nothing the whole show and then he comments on JLo’s beautifully displayed abs....of all contestants to comment on that, he was not my choice. Who else haven't I mentioned....oh, Elise....the classic one to fall to be forgotten, but never forgotten enough to get the lowest votes. Just like Phillip and Skylar, she is also a performer....but she's more of a performer from experience and practices vs from the heart. She's very very talented.....she will surely make it in some way shape or form after this season; I just wonder how big she can be. She's got this weird smile....though her laugh and comments are very real, her simple smile comes across as fake and forced.....as crazy as it may sound....I think someone needs to work on that one with her!! Colton, on the other hand, has such a contagious, genuine and sweet smile.....he could shut up and smile, and I'd still like him.....how couldn't I?!?! Colton, Mr Red Strip, started off in a very interestingly good way, but besides the look and that performance.... i wish his second song was better.....honestly, it stunk!! Considering everyone had a great week, I'm not surprised he's the one that got the boot this week. At this point in the game, no matter who has done really well every week, if you have one bad week, you are very much in danger. When it comes to the pool....anyone can win! Currently we have a 5 way tie (Jeff, Natalie, Jaime, Jennifer, Lindsay), and none of those people have Phillip winning.....I say that because I really really think he's got this in the bag. And I'm still going with Skylar as the runner up -- what are you guys thinking!
GO FLYERS!!!!!!!! WOOHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!