Potential Winners

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Entry Forms Due 8PM, Wed March 21st

For those of you who are regulars to the Tiplitsky Pool, click to the left to download the Entry Form. (If you're on a mobile phone click "View Web Version" to navigate my website.) Once you download the form (on your Computer), start with row 15 and choose who you think will get voted off next week, then work your way down to the winner.

For you Newbees or Returnees, (go to the Web Version of this site) and check out the download titled "FAQs and Instructions" in the left margin or read the bottom of the web page.

Some key points for all of you:
-- Last year we had about 200 entrires, so prize money was almost $3,000!! (see table to the left)
-- Prizes go to 1st-5th place, LAST place and some random prizes in the middle -- so you have a good chance to make some $$, even if you have no clue who the idols are!!
-- Entry fee is $15 if you mail a check or $15.75 if you pay via paypal -- The entry form has some specifics on how to get me your fee

FORWARD A LINK TO THIS WEBSITE TO ANYONE THAT YOU THINK MAY BE INTERESTED (cc me, so I can add them to my distribution list)!

THE ENTRY FORM IS DUE BY 8PM ON WEDNESDAY (March 21st).....in order to make it in the pool you MUST get me your entry form ON TIME....NO IF ANDS OR BUTS about that (gotta keep things fair!)!!

Email me at tiplitskypool@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Have a great day!

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